Sunday, June 14, 2009

Boulder River Falls Hike

The baby's here and I'm finally able to get out and get some exercise, so we decided to get ambitious and take a hike with the whole family.
Boulder River Trail near Darrington, WA is a beautiful hike among old growth trees, accompanied by the sound of the nearby rushing river and the best of nature.
Parts of the trail are a nice gentle walk that even Seth could tackle.
Its kind of fun and unnerving to walk under some of the big trees that have given into time and rain and now bridge the trail along the way.

There are a couple of different falls along the way that the trail passes right by.  They make a refreshing stopping point to catch your breath and enjoy the cooling spray.

This trail is well maintained and there are fun little surprises such as this bridge they made.
Most of the hike is in the shade so the fungus grows abundantly.

The second falls made a perfect turn around point and a good place to rest before facing the return trip.  Joel carried Seth almost the entire distance and was feeling it!
The river water has a milky color to it because of the glacier melt off.
The moss hanging in the sunlight was beautiful in the late afternoon sun.

Our steam is gone and our muscles and feet are tired and we are ready to go home, but this is a hike we would do again and again.  I recommend it to anyone who loves the beauty of the great outdoors.
For those who would like a little detail, to my best guess the first falls is about a mile in and the second falls is another mile to a mile and a half further and a little bit more work to get to.

We hope to go on weekly hikes throughout the summer so stay posted for future updates.


We're All Wright said...

I want to go on that hike but I want to ride in Seth's carrier!!! Grandma wants to know which one of you is going to carry her??? We are ready!

Laurence and Sidney said...

What a beautiful hike!! I just want one of those motorized wheelchairs. (I don't want to listen to all the huffing and puffing as you carry me!)

Unknown said...

That looks like so much fun. I love Washington!

Tracy Collings said...

Wow, that's a beautiful hike. Your pictures look like you took them off a calendar. Welcome to blogging!!