Thursday, May 13, 2010

Fanning the Flames

O.K., that is a dorky title, but its what came to mind so there it is.

Just before we got back to Washington from our little jaunt around the country last December, they enjoyed a couple of weeks in the deep freeze with the temp. down in the single digits (don't laugh too hard there in North Dakota- for Washington that is a deep freeze!)

During that time Mom and Dad's house was between renters and although Janice thought to run some heaters and leave the water at a trickle, we still ended up with a few frozen plumbing problems. The biggest issue turned out to be a cracked propane hot water heater. Its been running at a constant drip into the dirt basement ever since.

Well today was the day that Joel tackled the project!

We did some research on line and ask around and decided to go with a tankless hot water heater this time. So out with the old...

... and in with the new!

While Joel busy with his project, Seth had a little fun of his own. He and the neighbor (Mikey) wanted to roast some hot dogs. This was Seth's first time running a hot dog stick mostly on his own
and it looks like he did pretty good...
... until you see the other side (yuck!)

Dinner is served!


Unknown said...

way cool!

Stephanie Dickson said...

I'm so jealous! I got to take a cold shower today after Jacob took 30 minutes on his. I'm sure it was the leg shaving and hair washing :) You've put so much work into your parents' house.

Tracy Collings said...

I would love a tankless water heater! That's so nice.

desertortoise said...

Tankless is sweet!