Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Woodson Royalty

This old blue sarong is one that a co-worker brought back to me from Hawaii about 15 years ago that I would pull out and wear with my bathing suit occasionally. This summer I started using it as a light weight nursing blanket during all that record breaking heat.

The moment Seth laid eyes on it he proclaimed it as "MINE" and steals it every chance he gets.

He has this thing about wanting it wrapped around him just so, then parades around in his chieftain robe.

Ellie isn't quite as vocal in her claim, but assumes ownership based purely on the fact that she is the one being nursed.

It is always a toss-up as to who will come up triumphant as the owner, possessor, and wearer of this royal garb.


desertortoise said...

aww..super cute pictures!

Anonymous said...

lol. I just pulled 5 of those out of my drawer to donate to the DI (c'mon, who needs 5 swimming wraps). Maybe I should be sending them to you so they could both have one:)