Monday, September 7, 2009

Day at the Fair

This last saturday over Memorial Day weekend, thanks to some extra tickets from Matt and Janice, we decided to take the kids to the Evergreen State Fair in Monroe. Even though this is Washington's official state fair, it is not the largest but still a lot of fun. It's really just an oversized country fair.

It was a blustery day and rain was in the forecast so we just put on our long sleeves and our smiles and headed out.

Joel and Seth

Sheri and Ellie

and Aunt Janice along for the ride!
(Like her fun new hair color?!)

Aside from the food, the animals are some of our favorite fair fun.

We saw cows (picture courtesy of Seth)


and a couple of chickens :-)

Seth even got to do a little hands on country fair fun.

You would never know it from these pictures but we even indulged in some of the yummy fair food, but we (Janice and I) were so busy hiding our giant choc. chip cookie and nitrogen icecream with choc. and carmel syrup sunday from Seth that we didn't think to pull out the camera until all the evidence was "licked" away. If any of you are wondering if I was then or am now suffering from "Mothers Guilt" for keeping all that yummy goodness to myself while feeding my son fruit and Sun Chips- the answer is - are you kidding, HECK NO!

Seth LOVES tractors

Luckily his daddy kind of likes them too

I think this picture is worth a thousand words- thats one tired looking, well used stroller full of everything and then some of stuff needed for and acquired while at the fair.
And yes, we did give into the occasional vender (but it was all very needed and of the highest quality-honest! lol)

As on all such family outings- the camera battery went dead, so there is much we didn't get pictures of; but we had a great time, brought home some great memories and tired (only slightly wet) kids.
Good Times...!


Laurence and Sidney said...

What a fun weekend (although I'm guessing it was Labor day. lol) And I say kids don't appreciate the finer things anyway so why not hide them?! They truly would prefer hamburger to steak!
I think it is so cool that you are so close to Janice & Matt!!

Sheri Dickson Woodson said...

How funny- both Joel and I proof read over it when I was done and neither one of us caught that I put Memorial Day instead of Labor Day!

Anonymous said...

What a fun day. I love Seth driving the tractor.

We're All Wright said...

This blog makes me want to go to the fair!!!!!