Saturday, November 7, 2009


Last year Halloween just didn't happen for us. Joel's mamma had just passed away the week before and we had just gotten home from being there with her and attending the funeral and well- you know how it goes.

So this year I was determined to get the kids dressed up and teach Seth the joys of 'Trick or Treating'.
Not being from around here I thought a trunk or treat would be the way to go, so we got dressed up, climbed in the truck and started driving around past all the churches until we found one. And find one we did! ...(to be continued)

Ellie sported Seth's old lion costume, and pulled it off beautifully!
Seth was a bumble bee, but refused to wear the antenna I spent making him the night before!
... Unfortunately I'm not sure this was the fun and exciting introduction to trick or treating that I had hoped it would be. The lines were long and the people were stingy. At the end of the night Seth had stood in about 12 lines over a 45 minute period of time and came away with a pumpkin pail overflowing with 12 pieces of candy- including 6 mini suckers and 4 pieces of hard candy. Only 2, count em: 2 pieces of chocolate for me to steal when it was all said and done. Pitiful! I've got to plan better for next year.


We're All Wright said...

This is so funny!!! I went with Erin's kids and they got tons of candy and didn't go to that many places. They look so cute in the costumes!!!

janice said...

only 12!! wow they really out did them selves!

Unknown said...

Lol!!Love the costumes!