Friday, June 26, 2009

Not so far from home

We've been sick around here this week so we haven't wandered far from home, but maybe that is a blessing in it's self because we had some chores to see to.  But first things first- a lazy morning in bed.

As I said before, Seth must start his day with a little "Ellie Time"

And surprising enough, Ellie doesn't always seem to mind it.  Or maybe she just loves lazy mornings in bed as much as the rest of us.

This week not only did we catch colds, but the temp. dropped outside too and the rain finally came.  Boy did we need it!

The chickens showed that they are smarter than they look and knew when to get out of the rain.

My son, on the other hand, maybe isn't so bright (or maybe he is just a true Washingtonian).  He found where the water was streaming off our awning and got excited and stood under it like a shower- which he loves.  He got completely soaked and had to be changed from head to toe, but he had a wonderful time and I couldn't help but let him.

Seth's not the only one who enjoyed the rain- the dandelions sprang back to life and the grass remembered that it's supposed to be green!

But with all the rain it was time to get to work.  Andrew (Joel's stepson) came for a visit and jumped right in.

The beauty of having two mowers is all the 'boys' can get in on the fun.

Seth's an old hand at this (or so he thinks) and doesn't need Dad's help, he's got it handled.

One last drive by to say hi to Great Grandpa, who's enjoying watching all the activity.

I love Washington and all of its many season's and moods- bring on the sun, the rain, and the storms that will.


janice said...

tell Seth that he needs to come mow my lawn!

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry you've been sick. Everyone around here has the "swine flu". We're realizing how that has been blow out of proportion. But we've stayed healthy. I laugh at Seth with the water. Peter hates water on his head especially showers. It was cloudy this morning and he wouldn't go out until he had a hood on. Hey in your pictures, Grandma's house looks painted white and a pale blue. Is that grandma's house? I would have expected Viv to send us pictures if they painted.

janice said...

yep, they JUST painted! (not even sure if it's done yet) I'm sure she will be posting soon about the new look. it's more of a green? and white.

Tracy Collings said...

Looks like fun. Seth is so funny! I really enjoyed getting to know him when we were there.

Tera said...

I'm glad the rain finally arrived. It wouldn't be Washington without it. :)

We're All Wright said...

I love your post!!! We miss you now that you are gone to Palmer lake! Have fun!!!

Mrs. Dickson said...

Sheri I'm so happy your blogging and you do a great job. And a big Congrats on Ellie's arrival. So happy for you and happy we got to know you when we visited.